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Kanagawa University Measures with Regard to Lifting of the COVID-19 state of emergency (shift to priority measures such as prevention of spread)

As the state of emergency issued for Tokyo Metropolis will be lifted, Kanagawa University will resume onsite (face-to-face) classes from 21 June. Those classes that were designated face-to-face at the time of commencing the semester in April will once again be held face-to-face.

However, depending on the class, there may be changes to implementation style or lecture room and we ask students to check WeBSt@tion for the latest information.

The situation in which the number of infected people and close contacts is increasing among current students and university officials remains unchanged. In addition to infection control measures in the classroom, please try to prevent infection by yourself outside of class. Recently, spread of variants of the virus in particular has become more prevalent and cases of young people getting the virus and even developing serious symptoms have increased. The initial symptoms of the variants are similar to that of a common cold, which means that many people delay visiting the doctor and have close interaction with more people. Variants seem to have higher chances of aerosol infection so please avoid conversation in closed spaces such as elevators and, when eating, eat alone and silently.

In addition to looking after your own health, at the same time make sure you look after the health of the people around you and act rationally, following the principles of “don’t get infected/don’t infect others”. If you feel even slightly unwell, do not go outside and monitor your situation carefully. We wish that all of you will act rationally and appreciate your cooperation.