

Storied Environments 物語る環境

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『Storied Environments 物語る環境』シンポジウム・映画上映会・絵本展を開催します

Overview 概要


STORIED ENVIRONMENTS is a multicultural, multidisciplinary, and multimedia event aiming to explore the uses of contemporary reimaginings and reinterpretations of traditional narratives for multispecies futures. It consists of three parts, a symposium, a film screening, and an exhibition of picturebook illustrations, all on the theme of stories and more-than-human worlds. It is intended for anyone interested in the relationship between stories and environments and encourages a conversation between different fields.

List of Works 上映作品リスト

Exhibited Works 展示作品




















10月13日(木)開催学生対象ワークショップ「Paper Landscapes」参加者募集について

物語と環境のかかわりを考える国際交流イベント「Storied Environments 物語る環境」の一環で、イギリスのイラストレーターDesdemona McCannon氏を講師に迎えて、本学学生(学部生、大学院生、留学生を含む)を対象としたペーパークラフトのワークショップを開催します。主な使用言語は英語です(日常会話レベルの英語、一部日本語補助も有)。以下のイベントのウェブサイトから先着順で10月11日まで申し込みを受け付けます。定員の20名に達した時点で募集を締め切ります。

Organising Committee 実行委員会


 Mayako Murai 村井まや子(Chair 実行委員長) 

Mayako Murai is a professor at the English Department in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University, and director of Centre for Fairy-Tale Studies. She specialises in fairy-tale studies, contemporary literature and art, and multispecies studies. She is the author of From Dog Bridegroom to Wolf Girl: Contemporary Japanese Fairy-Tale Adaptations in Conversation with the West (2015) and co-editor of Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Adaptations across Cultures (2020), both published by Wayne State University Press. She curated the exhibitions Tomoko Konoike: Fur Story at Leeds Arts University in 2018 and Storymakers in Contemporary Japanese Art at Japan Foundation Sydney Gallery in 2022. She is currently writing a book tentatively titled Re-Storying the World for Multispecies Survival: Fairy-Tale Animals in Contemporary Art and Picturebook Illustration.


神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科教授。おとぎ話文化研究所所長。専門はおとぎ話文化研究、現代文学・美術、マルチスピーシーズ研究。主な著書・編著はFrom Dog Bridegroom to Wolf Girl: Contemporary Japanese Fairy-Tale Adaptations in Conversation with the West(2015)、Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Adaptations across Cultures(2020, いずれもWayne State University Press刊)ほか。企画した展覧会はTomoko Konoike: Fur Story (Leeds Arts University, 2018)、Storymakers in Contemporary Japanese Art(Japan Foundation Sydney Gallery, 2022)ほか。現在Re-Storying the World for Multispecies Survival: Fairy-Tale Animals in Contemporary Art and Picturebook Illustrationと題する単著を執筆中。


 Tamako Akiyama 秋山珠子 

Tamako Akiyama is an associate professor at the Chinese Department in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University. She is widely known for her scholarship on, and subtitling and interpretation of, Chinese language cinema, as well as her interpretation for the Chinese art world. She is the co-author of Ibunka Shakai no Rikai to Hyosho Kenkyu (Representation Studies and Understanding Other Cultures), and a co-editor (with Ma Ran) of Chinese Independent Cinema Observer, Issue 1: Sino-Japanese Connections in Independent Film Cultures (1989 – 2020).  Her many translations include Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Dust in the Wind: Hou Hsiao-hsien Talks about Films(Misuzu Shobo, 2021; original from 2008), and subtitles for Zhang Yuan's Beijing Bastards (1993),  Crazy English (1999), Wang Bing's Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (2003) and Fengming: A Chinese Memoir (2007). She has been invited as a speaker or festival juror by many universities and film festivals.


神奈川大学外国語学部中国語学科准教授。中国語圏の視覚芸術・映像翻訳を専門とする。主な編著書・論文は、共同責任編集『華語独立影像観察/Chinese Independent Cinema Observer』創刊号「当代日本──中国独立電影文化的関聯(1989–2020)/Sino-Japanese Connections in Independent Film Cultures(1989–2020)」(華語独立影像観察/Chinese Independent Film Archive発行,2021)、共著に『異文化社会の理解と表象研究』(専修大学出版局, 2022)、論文に「カルチュラル・アサイラム――中国インディペンデント・ドキュメンタリーの透明な砦」(『大衆文化』16,2017年)、翻訳に『侯孝賢の映画講義』(侯孝賢著, みすず書房,2021)、字幕翻訳に王兵監督作品『鉄西区』(共訳,2003)、『鳳鳴(フォンミン)──中国の記憶』(2007)ほか。


 Alejandro Morales Rama アレハンドロ・モラレス・ラマ 

Alejandro Morales Rama is an assistant professor at the Spanish Department in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University. He is originally from Madrid, Spain. He earned a B.A in English Studies, as well as a B.A in East Asian Studies from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, before moving to Japan in 2009. He has an M.A in Japanese Studies from Sophia University, where he started specializing in Japanese Literature, particularly the relationship between writer and playwright Izumi Kyoka’s aesthetics and the discriminated characters that populate his works. In his PhD program, he started focusing on the concept of Twilight (黄昏) as the crucial concept to understand Kyoka’s aesthetics in a holistic way.

