◆東京都の緊急事態宣言発出期間(延長): 5月12日(水)~5月31日(月)
遠隔授業実施期間延長 : 5月12日(水)~5月31日(月)
Kanagawa University COVID-19 Measures Regarding Cancellation of Classes
Due to Extension of COVID-19 State of Emergency for Tokyo Metropolis (Notice)
As the COVID-19 state of emergency for the Tokyo Metroplis has been extended from 12 May, Kanagawa University will continue to provide online classes according to the following.
◆Period of State of Emergency in Tokyo (extension): 12 May (Wed) – 31 May (Mon)
Period of conducting all classes remotely (extension): 12 May (Wed) – 31 May (Mon)
However, some classes that are based on practical work or experimentation may be held in person with appropriate measures taken to prevent spread of COVID-19.
For more information about this situation, students are asked to please refer to the notice(s) to be sent on WebSt@tion.
◆The number of infected patients and close contacts is increasing among our students and other members of our university family. Please do not only take measures to prevent becoming infected while in the classroom, but also wherever you may be. Recently, spread of variants of the virus in particular has become more prevalent and cases of young people getting the virus and even developing serious symptoms have increased. The initial symptoms of the variants are similar to that of a common cold, which means that many people delay visiting the doctor and have close interaction with more people. In addition to looking after your own health, at the same time make sure you look after the health of the people around you and act rationally, following the principles of “don’t get infected/don’t infect others”. If you feel even slightly unwell, do not go outside and monitor your situation carefully. We wish that all of you will act rationally and appreciate your cooperation.